EGR Cooler corroded or split and leaking Coolant
Vehicles Effected:
Nissan Navara D22 & D40 with YD25DDTI 2.5 Turbo Diesel Engine
Nissan Pathfinder R51 with YD25DDTI 2.5 Turbo Diesel Engine

We are seeing more & more problems with the EGR coolers in the YD25 Nissan engine. The coolers tend to corrode or split resulting in loss of coolant and due to the high temperature of the exhaust/EGR system the coolant loss often goes undetected as the coolant evaporates and doesn’t leave a puddle on the ground. If the problem goes unchecked the cooling system will run dry and the engine may overheat and require major repairs.
To fix the issue some people elect to bypass the EGR system completely using blanking plates on both the exhaust and inlet manifold & disconnecting the coolant flow to the EGR cooler. From all reports this has been an effective fix but Southside Cyl Heads doesn’t recommend this because removing the EGR will alter the vehicle’s emissions levels & render the vehicle unroadworthy

We recommend simply checking your coolant levels regularly and if you notice a drop in the level, get the cooling system checked and check for stains around the EGR pipe and cooler area.
Catching the problem early and rectifying the issue could save you thousands in cylinder head repairs in the event of the engine overheating. If you suspect your EGR cooler could be leaking, give us a call and we check over the system and put your mind at ease.