You may think that having your vehicle regularly serviced is not essential however the following situation that one of our customers found themselves in may cause you to reconsider!

The customer came to us earlier in the year wanting a service on his Hyundai Getz – it had done 51,000 kms & its last service was 30,000 kms ago. While carrying out the service we found that it had low compression due to the rings on the pistons being full of carbon deposits as highlighted in the picture below.
This damage was a direct result of the vehicle not having had an oil change in 30,000 kms. As a result, the engine had to be fully dismantled, cleaned and rectified costing the customer in excess of $4,000.00. Had more regular servicing been carried out on the vehicle this damage would not have occurred and the customer would only have been up for the cost of a service – a much less costly exercise!
Has it been a while since your last service? Even though you might not have experienced any repercussions yet it is most often the case that damage is already being done to your vehicle’s essential components. Don’t keep putting it off until it’s too late!